发布:2021-12-03 14:53:52
作者:路易斯·阿根塔 发布刊期:颅面外科杂志/第15卷
Studies have shown that there are many methods to evaluate the degree of deformity, all of which are expensive, time-consuming and poor repeatability. The purpose of this study is to propose a clinical observation classification method that can be individualized according to the degree of infant deformity and reassess its repeatability over time.
All patients are examined clinically in four positions. The first is looking directly anteriorly at the child while holding the child in a straight for-ward gazing position. This allows the Physician to determine if there are asymmetries of the forehead and of the face. It is also helpful in determining ear position but not as helpful as other views. Concomitant disorders such as torticollis may be identified as well.
The second position of examination is with the child seated in the physician’s lap, with the head vertex observed from above. The nose is pointed straight forward, usually with the patient’s family holding the infant’s attention. The index fingers of the examining physician are then placed in the each external auditory canal, and the patient is examined from directly above. This allows evaluation of forehead asymmetry, posterior cranial asymmetry, and malposition of the ears. Abnormal bulging of the temporal fossa is most easily seen in this view.
The third clinical examination position is posterior to the infant’s posterior skull. This can either be done in the physician’s lap, on the table, or while a member of the patient’s family holds the child. This position allows confirmation of ear position and posterior asymmetry. In addition, it allows evaluation of widening of the posterior skull.
The fourth position is a direct lateral view. This allows the physician to determine any degree of abnormal vertical growth of the skull, which can occur in severe plagiocephaly when the restrained brain attempts to decompress.
The classification used in this study is based only on clinical observations. It enables us to accurately quantify the degree of deformity in any patient. More importantly, it allows us to quantify malformations in subsequent clinical visits. This allows us to determine the effectiveness of any treatment, whether it is observation alone, localization or helmet therapy. It is helpful to quantify the ability of existing malformations and let parents know that their children are improving after receiving the prescribed treatment, and the situation will be worse if there is no compliance.
Clinical classification of deformational cranial deformities allows accurate communication between health care professionals and families without labor-intensive measurements or prolonged radiographic exposure. Furthermore, it can be used as a way to evaluate therapeutic outcome and the need for additional workup. Finally, it is a useful tool to help predict the optimal type and duration of therapy for the correction of these deformities.